What is coaching?

Well Coached Kids

Resilience becomes the byproduct, which is necessary for independence— and what more could we want for our children. Through curiosity about our thoughts and feelings, we grow the insight to develop, evolve, adapt and transform. 

GRIT is the ability to sustain long term goals in the face of adversity. 

Let's cultivate this as soon as possible.

Kids need Grit

GRIT Kids are bold, timid, curious, cautious, serious, and playful youth between the ages of 2 and 12 years of age.

Who Are GRIT Kids?

GRIT Kids exists to allow parents or caregivers to aid their children in the work of self-awareness—at every developmental stage— to better understand themselves and the world around them. Simple behavioral management fails to develop the internal locus of control that is necessary for developing character and self-discipline. Forming a self-identity and learning to live with purpose is a necessary life skill for children to learn in order to live into their fullest self. GRIT Kids Coaches are trained to help you do the work of raising your child with intention so you can see that little person grow into all they are capable of.

GRIT Kids May:

Throw tantrums

Struggle to pay attention or complete school work

Seem to have difficulty focusing and concentrating

Pick on or bully siblings

Become defiant during nonpreferred activities

Struggle during family outings

Wrestle expressing big emotions

Experience conflict with peers

Have difficulty expressing strong emotions
Have difficulty going to sleep and/or staying asleep

Sensory issues – this could be seeking or avoiding sensory input

The GRIT Philosophy

A child’s job is to grow in many dimensions. Sometimes a child becomes stuck in one or more of these dimensions-developmental, emotional, social, academic, and many others. When this occurs, a child needs support to achieve the many milestones.

GRIT Coaches help children with academic skills, emotional regulation, fine and gross motor, social skills and more. Our coaches will help you identify where your child needs to grow and develop a targeted plan to enable your child to thrive.


Sometimes children experience difficult, stressful or even traumatic experiences. When a stressful or traumatic experience can impact a child’s ability to regulate emotions, make sense of the world or even develop a strong self identity.

GRIT Coaches help children cope with these difficult experiences, manage and regulate their emotions, and make sense of the world and encounter it with curiosity. Coping with and overcoming adversity is how we develop resiliency.


Insight is an awareness and understanding of our internal self and the experience of another. Insight allows children to reflect on their inner experience and consider possible causes, effects, and implications of potential responses. 

GRIT Coaches guide children in exploring, identifying, and expressing their inner world, Coaches teach tools to examine their mind, body and emotions and aid them in practicing different ways of expressing these experiences. 


Children want to explore the world, experience joy, and be loved in connected and safe relationships. When children are able to express themselves and when parents are able to identify needs, the problematic behaviors are no longer necessary

GRIT Coaches help children and families build their capabilities and create opportunities for engagement. Families learn to effectively connect to one another and cultivate a relationship that supports the developmental needs of the child. 


Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.

C.S. Lewis

One-on-one time with your child to cultivate self-awareness, to target behavioral goals, develop emotion management, resolve stressful or traumatic experiences, and more.

How will this work?

Joint parent-child time to improve communication, clarify and set expectations to allow you to cultivate a healthy relationship with your child.



the in home session is a mix of:

Individual time with parents or caregivers to work on skills to support your child’s transformation. 


We provide concrete tools to allow your child to flourish, enable you to explore the frustrations that are encountered while parenting, and have an opportunity heal the wounds that arise through the hard work of parenting. 

Raising children takes GRIT!

GRIT Kids pulls on child development and psychological research to formulate the model to best allow your family to succeed.

GRIT Coaches Promote

social, relational, and emotional development and skill building

self-awareness and self management

positive and optomistic thinking, decision making, and goal directed behavior

School-based skills and achievement, time management, and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY

Physical, emotional, relational health and well being

This is the place where kids get to be real, raw, and reassured that their voice counts.

Through learning compassion and empathy, children will get to reinforce that internal drive for connection while cultivating strength and accountability. 

We will discuss your needs to ensure they are able to be addressed within coaching. If you require more than what is provided through coaching, we will make a referral to an appropriate licensed provider. We collaborate with healthcare providers and coordinate care to support our clients.

As a integrated/alternative providers, we neither make nor treat medical or mental diagnoses. Even though our coaches are either licensed mental health providers or pre-licensed mental health providers, in this capacity we are not operating as licensed therapists, physicians, or psychologists providing traditional medical or mental health treatment.

Our coaches are formally trained to work with both the mind and the body. We implement strategies informed by Eastern and Western medicine and provide alternative therapy that is complementary to the healing arts services that are offered by providers who are licensed by the state. We offer services that are in compliance with California state laws, including California Business & Professional Code § 2053.6 

Sometimes we are just stuck and need help.  Coaching may be a fit.

We practice alternative approaches to healing because traditional psychotherapy isn't always the right for for all people or problems. We implement a holistic approach and integrate an individual’s body, mind, and spirit/spirituality because sometimes we are stuck in one or all of these vital areas of our experience.

Take me back

The grit pit

Parents and caregivers get to regroup, refresh, and reassure one another

Parents get support, too. The Parent Pit is the place where parents and caregivers get to regroup, refresh, and reassure one another that the trying experiences will be worth it. The thankless daily acts that feel unnoticed truly do amount to immeasurable influence. Parenting is tough, but persistence is treasured. The Parent Pit is where you can be reminded of this. Join us and reset and refuel for another week of caring for the tiny humans who want your love and reassurance.

We will discuss your needs to ensure they are able to be addressed within coaching. If you require more than what is provided through coaching, we will make a referral to an appropriate licensed provider. We collaborate with healthcare providers and coordinate care to support our clients.

As a integrated/alternative providers, we neither make nor treat medical or mental diagnoses. Even though our coaches are either licensed mental health providers or pre-licensed mental health providers, in this capacity we are not operating as licensed therapists, physicians, or psychologists providing traditional medical or mental health treatment.

Our coaches are formally trained to work with both the mind and the body. We implement strategies informed by Eastern and Western medicine and provide alternative therapy that is complementary to the healing arts services that are offered by providers who are licensed by the state. We offer services that are in compliance with California state laws, including California Business & Professional Code § 2053.6 

Sometimes we are just stuck and need help.  Coaching may be a fit.

We practice alternative approaches to healing because traditional psychotherapy isn't always the right for for all people or problems. We implement a holistic approach and integrate an individual’s body, mind, and spirit/spirituality because sometimes we are stuck in one or all of these vital areas of our experience.

Take me back

Parent Pit

totally online

All coaches supervised by Shannon Walker, LMFT

Benefits of Virtual Coaching

 We are right in your home.

There is no need to fight to get your child to sessions.

There is no need to worry about child care for other children in the home.

Children are comfortable at home. Your coach can observe your child as you experience him or her.

Your coach can work with your child on specific tasks in the home.

Get Our Free Guide to Kicking Ass on Social

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"Margi's guide was kick-ass indeed and quite literally changed how I show up on social." - Jen Olmstead

oh la la!

No commitment other that a quick 20 minutes when you want to make the time.  Let's talk a little about what's going on, what you want, and we'll see if we are the right fit for you.  It'll give us a chance to give you an idea of the work, and you can have an opportunity to get a feel for us.  It's your life, live it well!

Schedule a Free Consultation

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So, is that a yes?

"Vanessa listens with a kind, compassionate heart and I can tell her anything..." 

"...without feeling judged. She also has given me practical tools I can use and I really noticed how much I was ignoring the signals my body was sending me. Definitely noticed a shift even after the first session." 

Ann H

Wellness coaching

Yes, It Really Gets Better

"I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical."

"Vanessa came highly recommend by a colleague. In all honesty, I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical. I stayed because she is crazy, wicked smart and I actually experience the changes. We don't just talk about problems. We resolve them."

Irene K

Couples coaching

"Shannon really gets my son. She has an easy going and fun-loving demeanor." 

"My son looks forward to seeing her and our family has been able to spend time together without everything turning into a circus. I appreciate the way she both dumbs down what she is talking about so I understand it without talking down to me."


Parent of school aged child

(not actually Ann!)

Not Sam
(His son 
is great!)

Not Irene. But she
said this:

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