Integrated Wellness: Wholeness and Healing

Explore the path to optimal well-being through the integration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self. Learn how to quiet your mind, regulate emotions, and reawaken your body's innate vitality for a whole and happy life.

Body. Mind. Spirit. for realz

Release old beliefs that hold you back.  Identify distortions and set them straight.  Quiet that inner critic. Discover the world of what is rather than what if.

How To Quiet Your Mind

Ways To Regulate Emotions

Develop a greater capacity for emotions.  Identify, manage and regulate big emotions and develop the ability to self-sooth.

Reawaken your body's innate vitality and release the impact your story, trauma, stress, and loss has on your body.

what you'll learn: 

Exercises That Soothe Your Body

Practices To Calm Your Spirit

Resolve blocks impeding you from living with deeper purpose and meaning. Regain the sense of peace and stability that may have been lost.

gimme more

A whole person approach

Neurophysiological Insights

Delve into the intricate neurophysiological processes that trauma triggers in the brain. Learn about the impact on the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, limbic system, hippocampus, and HPA axis. Discover evidence-based techniques for healing and resilience.

Understanding Trauma & Healing

Embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery through our scientifically-backed methods. Our center employs cutting-edge insights from neurophysiology and brain science to empower you to maximize the intellect of your executive function, unlock the wisdom of your emotions, and access your body's innate capacity. We believe in the power of science, leaving no room for mystical or "woo-woo" approaches.

Trauma deeply impacts the brain, affecting various neurological processes and structures:

1. Hyperarousal and the Amygdala: The amygdala, often referred to as the brain's emotional center, plays a pivotal role in trauma. When you experience trauma, this almond-shaped structure becomes hyperactive, triggering an intensified response to potential threats. This heightened state of alertness can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, and hypervigilance.

2. Hypervigilance and the Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and executive function, can become less effective due to trauma. Its connection with the amygdala weakens, making it challenging to assess risks rationally and control emotional reactions. This can result in difficulties trusting your surroundings and the people in your life.

3. Emotional Dysregulation and the Limbic System: The limbic system, which includes structures like the hippocampus and the cingulate cortex, governs emotions and memory. Trauma can disrupt these areas, leading to emotional dysregulation. Mood swings, intense emotional reactions, and difficulty managing stress are common consequences.

4. Memory Processing and the Hippocampus: Trauma memories can become "stuck" in the hippocampus, making it challenging to process and integrate them into a coherent narrative. This can result in intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and a constant feeling of reliving the traumatic event.

5. Chronic Stress and the HPA Axis: Trauma can trigger a prolonged release of stress hormones through the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress has detrimental effects on both the brain and the body, potentially damaging bodily systems and overall well-being.

Our approach is rooted in understanding these intricate neurophysiological processes. By leveraging the latest brain science, we provide evidence-based techniques that facilitate healing, resilience, and a return to a fulfilling life. This is not just an emotional journey; it's a physiological one, and we're here to guide you through it with the assurance of scientific rigor.



2. Hypervigilance and the Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and executive function, can become less effective due to trauma. Its connection with the amygdala weakens, making it challenging to assess risks rationally and control emotional reactions. This can result in difficulties trusting your surroundings and the people in your life.

3. Emotional Dysregulation and the Limbic System: The limbic system, which includes structures like the hippocampus and the cingulate cortex, governs emotions and memory. Trauma can disrupt these areas, leading to emotional dysregulation. Mood swings, intense emotional reactions, and difficulty managing stress are common consequences.

4. Memory Processing and the Hippocampus: Trauma memories can become "stuck" in the hippocampus, making it challenging to process and integrate them into a coherent narrative. This can result in intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and a constant feeling of reliving the traumatic event.

5. Chronic Stress and the HPA Axis: Trauma can trigger a prolonged release of stress hormones through the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress has detrimental effects on both the brain and the body, potentially damaging bodily systems and overall well-being.

Our approach is rooted in understanding these intricate neurophysiological processes. By leveraging the latest brain science, we provide evidence-based techniques that facilitate healing, resilience, and a return to a fulfilling life. This is not just an emotional journey; it's a physiological one, and we're here to guide you through it with the assurance of scientific rigor.


5. Chronic Stress and the HPA Axis: Trauma can trigger a prolonged release of stress hormones through the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress has detrimental effects on both the brain and the body, potentially damaging bodily systems and overall well-being.

Our approach is rooted in understanding these intricate neurophysiological processes. By leveraging the latest brain science, we provide evidence-based techniques that facilitate healing, resilience, and a return to a fulfilling life. This is not just an emotional journey; it's a physiological one, and we're here to guide you through it with the assurance of scientific rigor.


Restoration after Trauma

more about that

Explore the holistic approach to healing from trauma, addressing altered embodiment, perception, relationships, haunted thoughts, and reawakening the soul. Discover therapeutic modalities for a fulfilling life after trauma.

Multifaceted Wounds

Restoration after trauma is a profound and essential process for individuals who have experienced significant emotional or physical distress. Trauma, whether it stems from a single life-altering event or is the cumulative result of ongoing stress, can leave deep imprints on a person's psyche, body, and relationships. The concept of "Restoration" recognizes the need to address and heal these multifaceted wounds.

1. Altered Embodiment: Trauma can profoundly affect the way a person inhabits their own body. It often leaves individuals feeling disconnected or dissociated from their physical selves. This can manifest as chronic tension, discomfort, or even numbing sensations. The body becomes a repository of trauma, carrying the unprocessed pain, fear, and memories. RestorationTrauma acknowledges the importance of reclaiming one's body and fostering a sense of safety and connection within it. Techniques like somatic experiencing and mindfulness can help individuals reestablish a healthy relationship with their physical selves.

2. Altered Perception: Trauma can drastically alter how we perceive and experience the world. It can lead to a heightened sense of danger, hypervigilance, or a tendency to see the world as an inherently unsafe place. This altered perception can limit opportunities, hinder personal growth, and hinder the ability to form healthy connections with others. Restoration seeks to reframe these perceptions, helping individuals to regain a sense of trust in the world and find new meaning and purpose in their lives.

3. Altered Relationships: Trauma often disrupts the ability to connect with others. People who have experienced trauma may struggle with trust, intimacy, and boundaries. They might also unintentionally push people away, fearing that others will hurt them just as they have been hurt before. Restoration aims to repair and rebuild these damaged relationships, both with the self and with others. It emphasizes the importance of safe and nurturing connections as a part of the healing journey.

4. Haunted Mind: Trauma often results in a mind that is haunted by intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and persistent anxiety. These mental hauntings can be incredibly distressing and debilitating. Restoration recognizes the need to address and release these haunting memories and thoughts through various therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and mindfulness practices.

5. Reawakening the Soul: Trauma can lead to a sense of disconnection from one's authentic self. It might involve suppressing aspects of one's identity or personality as a survival mechanism. Restoration encourages the rediscovery and reintegration of these exiled parts of the soul. This process can be deeply transformative, helping individuals find their true selves once again.

Restoration is a holistic approach to healing from trauma that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of its impact. It combines various therapeutic modalities, from traditional talk therapy to body-based and experiential methods, to help individuals regain a sense of safety, trust, and connection. Ultimately, the goal is to help individuals not just survive but thrive, leading fulfilling lives after trauma.



2. Altered Perception: Trauma can drastically alter how we perceive and experience the world. It can lead to a heightened sense of danger, hypervigilance, or a tendency to see the world as an inherently unsafe place. This altered perception can limit opportunities, hinder personal growth, and hinder the ability to form healthy connections with others. Restoration seeks to reframe these perceptions, helping individuals to regain a sense of trust in the world and find new meaning and purpose in their lives.

3. Altered Relationships: Trauma often disrupts the ability to connect with others. People who have experienced trauma may struggle with trust, intimacy, and boundaries. They might also unintentionally push people away, fearing that others will hurt them just as they have been hurt before. Restoration aims to repair and rebuild these damaged relationships, both with the self and with others. It emphasizes the importance of safe and nurturing connections as a part of the healing journey.


4. Haunted Mind: Trauma often results in a mind that is haunted by intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and persistent anxiety. These mental hauntings can be incredibly distressing and debilitating. Restoration recognizes the need to address and release these haunting memories and thoughts through various therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and mindfulness practices.

5. Reawakening the Soul: Trauma can lead to a sense of disconnection from one's authentic self. It might involve suppressing aspects of one's identity or personality as a survival mechanism. Restoration encourages the rediscovery and reintegration of these exiled parts of the soul. This process can be deeply transformative, helping individuals find their true selves once again.

Restoration combines various therapeutic modalities, to help individuals regain a sense of safety, trust, and connection to help individuals not just survive but thrive, leading fulfilling lives after trauma.


Post-Traumatic Growth

Embrace adversity as a catalyst for personal development. Learn how to deepen self-awareness, foster authentic relationships, and ignite a profound sense of purpose after trauma. Thrive and find fulfillment in the present.

teach me plz

Growth & Personal Development

Embark on a transformative journey, where you'll reorient your life towards newfound freedom and growth. Often, it's the deeply ingrained beliefs we've carried from our formative years that hold us back from reaching our true potential. At our center, we are unwavering in our commitment to helping you identify and release these limiting beliefs that have hindered your ability to pursue your dreams. In this journey of healing and transformation, there's simply no more room for these self-imposed limitations.

In the wake of trauma, there's an incredible opportunity for post-traumatic growth. Our approach is not solely about overcoming adversity; it's about using that adversity as a catalyst for profound personal development. We guide you in deepening your self-awareness, fostering richer and more authentic relationships, and igniting a profound sense of purpose. As you progress in this journey, you'll naturally find that your focus shifts away from the pain of the past to the beauty of living in the present.

Through our collaborative work, you'll not only heal but rediscover hope and set inspiring, meaningful goals for the future. The resilience and wisdom you've gained from your experiences become the sturdy foundation upon which you'll build a brighter tomorrow. This journey is not merely about survival; it's about thriving, finding a profound sense of fulfillment, and realizing your true potential. Your journey begins here, where old messages and self-doubt are left behind, and a new chapter of your life unfolds with boundless possibilities.



Through our collaborative work, you'll not only heal but rediscover hope and set inspiring, meaningful goals for the future. The resilience and wisdom you've gained from your experiences become the sturdy foundation upon which you'll build a brighter tomorrow.

This journey is not merely about survival; it's about thriving, finding a profound sense of fulfillment, and realizing your true potential. Your journey begins here, where old messages and self-doubt are left behind, and a new chapter of your life unfolds with boundless possibilities.


Embark on a personalized healing journey with a diverse range of therapeutic models tailored to your unique needs. Explore the power of Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, ACT, EMDR, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Motivational Interviewing for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

We believe in the power of personalized healing. Every individual's journey is unique, which is why we leverage a variety of therapeutic models to meet the distinct needs of our clients. Through careful assessment and collaboration, we tailor our approach to suit your specific circumstances, preferences, and goals. This personalized methodology ensures that you receive the most effective and meaningful guidance on your path to well-being.

Transformative Approach

our Holistic Models

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a groundbreaking therapy that targets and processes traumatic memories to alleviate distress and promote emotional healing. EMDR combines elements of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and bilateral stimulation to help individuals reprocess traumatic experiences that are "stuck" in the brain's processing system.

During EMDR sessions, clients focus on distressing memories while engaging in bilateral stimulation, often through Eyeside-to-side eye movements. 


During REM sleep, the brain naturally reorganizes traumatic memories, lessening their emotional impact. EMDR offers transformative benefits, effectively reducing emotional charge tied to memories for integrated experiences. This leads to decreased distress, anxiety, and trauma triggers. EMDR's reprocessing fosters new perspectives and empowerment amid triggers, elevating resilience. With bilateral stimulation and cognitive facets, EMDR enhances emotional understanding and regulation for overall well-being and improved coping.

Havening Techniques, a therapeutic model developed by Dr. Ronald Ruden, and honed by the incredible Dr. Kate Truitt, is an innovative approach designed to address and alleviate emotional distress, trauma, and a range of psychological issues. It combines elements from neuroscience, psychosensory therapy, and positive psychology to create a holistic healing experience. The central focus of Havening is on altering the brain's response to traumatic or distressing memories, emotions, and thoughts through the process of sensory touch. The technique involves gentle touch and specific movements on the individual's arms, hands, and face, which activates delta waves in the brain.  


Delta waves are associated with deep relaxation and can help disrupt the encoding of traumatic memories and emotions. During this process, the therapist guides the client to focus on the distressing memory or feeling while engaging in the Havening touch. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE) emerges as a beacon of hope. Born from a rich tapestry of disciplines—stress physiology, psychology, neuroscience, and indigenous wisdom—SE is a body-oriented approach to healing trauma and stress disorders. With over 45 years of transformative clinical success, it's a bridge between science and resilience. At its core, SE recognizes that trauma's grip extends beyond the mind—it's woven into the very fabric of our bodies. Whether born from life-threatening events or cumulative stress, trauma can reshape our capacity to thrive. SE guides us towards releasing traumatic shock, offering a pathway to transform PTSD and emotional wounds

Somatic Experiencing: 

From accidents to assaults, abuse to natural disasters, SE honors the multifaceted origins of trauma. It's a toolkit for therapists, healers, and caregivers across disciplines, offering tools to untangle the knots of fight, flight, and freeze responses. By gently fostering tolerance for bodily sensations and buried emotions, SE offers a compass for navigating the healing journey. SE isn't just a technique; it's a philosophy of empowerment. It's a whisper of hope that reminds us: resilience and ease are not just dreams, but birthrights.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive approach designed to help individuals navigate emotional and behavioral challenges, particularly those related to intense emotions, impulsivity, and difficulties in relationships. DBT combines cognitive and behavioral strategies with mindfulness practices to foster emotional regulation, effective communication, and coping skills.

DBT is structured around four areas: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Clients learn to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, tolerate distressing situations, manage and regulate their emotions, and navigate relationships more effectively. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy offers numerous benefits. It provides practical tools to manage overwhelming emotions, reducing impulsive reactions and promoting healthier responses. By learning distress tolerance techniques, clients can navigate challenging situations without resorting to harmful behaviors.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy  (SP) is an innovative approach that integrates body-based techniques to address trauma, emotional challenges, and psychological issues. SP recognizes that the body holds memories, emotions, and patterns of response. Through mindful attention to bodily sensations and movements, clients gain insight into their inner experiences and can safely process and release stored trauma. Clients to tune into their bodily sensations, helping them become aware of physical reactions linked to emotional triggers. The therapy includes grounding exercises, breath work, and gentle movements designed to support healing. 

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy 

By processing emotions through the body, clients release trauma's grip and restore equilibrium. SP offers a gentle, safe way to access and release trauma without re-traumatization. Enhanced body-emotion awareness empowers effective symptom management, reducing anxiety, fostering emotional regulation, and enhancing resilience. SP addresses trauma's physiological aspects for lasting emotional healing and renewed well-being. Whether healing from trauma, managing emotions, or seeking growth, SP offers a holistic path honoring the body-mind connection.

Mindfulness and meditation are practices rooted in ancient wisdom that offer modern solutions for managing stress, enhancing well-being, and fostering personal growth. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Meditation, on the other hand, encompasses various techniques that encourage relaxation, concentration, and self-awareness. Mindfulness practices often include focused breathing, body scans, and guided meditation. Meditation techniques range from mindfulness meditation to  These practices cultivate a heightened sense of awareness and allow individuals to detach from stressful thoughts and find inner peace.

Mindfulness & Meditation

Meditation, each with unique benefits, heightens awareness and eases stress. These practices offer myriad mind-body-spirit advantages. Mindfulness reduces anxiety and negativity, enhancing clarity, resilience, and calm. Relaxation aids physical health, reducing blood pressure, improving sleep, and relieving stress. Both practices foster self-awareness, acceptance, better emotional control, relationships, and positivity.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a powerful approach that combines mindfulness and behavioral change strategies to foster psychological flexibility. ACT helps individuals create a meaningful life while accepting the inevitable challenges that come with it. The therapy emphasizes being present in the moment, identifying personal values, and committing to actions aligned with those values. Through mindfulness techniques, clients learn to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. This helps them detach from unhelpful thinking patterns and create space for more intentional choices. ACT also involves identifying core values that reflect what truly matters to the individual. 

Acceptance & Commitment

Rooted in mindfulness and values, clients take purposeful actions despite discomfort. ACT breaks free from negative emotions, nurturing resilience. Embracing experiences without resistance restores control. ACT fosters core value connections, deepening satisfaction and purpose. Empowering through committed action, clients make value-aligned choices, building confidence amid challenges.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative and client-centered holistic approach designed to inspire individuals to embrace positive change. MI recognizes that change is often complex and that individuals have their own motivations and strengths. Therapists employing MI engage clients in conversations that elicit their intrinsic motivations, amplify their readiness for change, and guide them towards setting and achieving meaningful goals. During MI sessions, therapists use empathetic listening, open-ended questions, and reflective statements to explore clients' thoughts, feelings, and concerns. The goal is to help clients uncover their own motivations for change and resolve ambivalence about making positive changes.

Motivational Interviewing

MI empowers exploring motivations for change, fostering autonomy and ownership. Its non-confrontational approach builds trust, enabling open conversations about challenges and solutions. MI addresses ambivalence by acknowledging it, aiding informed decisions for change with clarity. Empowering goal-setting aligned with values strengthens commitment, confidence, and positive outcomes.

"Vanessa listens with a kind, compassionate heart and I can tell her anything..." 

"...without feeling judged. She also has given me practical tools I can use and I really noticed how much I was ignoring the signals my body was sending me. Definitely noticed a shift even after the first session." 

Ann H

Wellness coaching

Yes, It Really Gets Better

"I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical."

"Vanessa came highly recommend by a colleague. In all honesty, I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical. I stayed because she is crazy, wicked smart and I actually experience the changes. We don't just talk about problems. We resolve them."

Irene K

Couples coaching

"Shannon really gets my son. She has an easy going and fun-loving demeanor." 

"My son looks forward to seeing her and our family has been able to spend time together without everything turning into a circus. I appreciate the way she both dumbs down what she is talking about so I understand it without talking down to me."


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(His son 
is great!)

Not Irene. But she
said this:

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The neat thing about all this is that is helps us utilize the way we are designed and how our brain is wired to maximize our effectiveness at doing life. It's not just about knowing how it works, it is about using the knowledge for a better life. 

I know, pretty awesome, right!