Coaching: It's what we do

Coaching is a collaborative way of supporting all aspects of life. When we are whole and balanced, we are able to improve life and relationships, enhance our lives, make decisions, resolve issues, and establish, deepen, and maintain authentic relationships— and live an abundant and limitless life.  We are ready to do the work.  Are you?

What is coaching?

COACHING services

You were meant to thrive! But that is not always the case. In fact, often we struggle with what seem like simple things. We find ourselves existing through life but not finding deep joy, connection or meaning. We get stuck. We feel a block. We want better! We provide you with concrete tools and practical strategies to improve your life and relationships.

When we struggle in one area, we suffer in all the rest. But— when we make changes to better ourselves and relationships in one area, all the others improve! We help you do what works.

We've got you, it's what we do!

Sometimes we are still struggling to manage something that dropped into our life months, even years, later. 

Types of Coaching

What is holding you back? What beliefs limit you? What are those insecurities that have been following you around all your life? Which patterns did you inherit from your family that might now be keeping you stuck? Whether it is time management or a series of toxic relationships—this junk shows up, and it prevents us from living fully.


You want to be better.  You are not living as the fullest expression of yourself. 

Personal Coaching

Your relationship is struggling or you want more intimacy.  You want pre-marital counseling,


We crave connection but are blocked by the pain history that gets in the way. We disappear, physically and emotionally.

One partner feels alone and like they don't matter and the other feels they are always being criticized and can't get anything right. The more one asks for the other to show up, the more the partner disappears physically and emotionally. You both bicker and fight and the idea of sitting and just hanging out seems elusive, if not impossible. 


Couples Coaching



When kids learn to overcome adversity, resilience becomes the byproduct, which is necessary for independence. What more could we want for our children. Through curiosity about our thoughts and feelings, we grow the insight to develop, evolve, adapt and transform. Learning to live with purpose is a necessary life skill.

Kids need grit. GRIT is the ability to sustain long term goals in the face of  adversity. Let's cultivate this as soon as possible.



You want to uncover what is prompting your child's behavioral patterns causing distress in the family.

You are in that in between stage - you are certainly no longer a child, but don't feel like an adult. 


A developing and growing brain, complicated relationships, and identity development - emerging adulthood takes work! 

This phase of life is difficult for youth and their families. The purpose of adolescence through young adulthood is to develop autonomy, to develop lasting relationships with others, and to begin to separate from parents.  This is difficult and often causes conflict in the family and can feel out of control for the young and emerging adult.


Teen Coaching

My mission in life is not to merely survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style

Maya Angelou

Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, invasive medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the corrosive stressors of ongoing fear and conflict. SE facilitates the completion of self-protective motor responses and the release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body, thus addressing the root cause of trauma symptoms. This is approached by gently guiding clients to develop increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotion.

SE offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. It provides effective skills appropriate to a variety of healing professions including mental health, medicine, physical and occupational therapies, bodywork, addiction treatment, first response, education, and others— Excerpt taken from SETI.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders resulting from multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease. Excerpt taken from SETI

An Embodied approach to healing

Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, invasive medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the corrosive stressors of ongoing fear and conflict. SE facilitates the completion of self-protective motor responses and the release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body, thus addressing the root cause of trauma symptoms. This is approached by gently guiding clients to develop increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotion.

SE offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. It provides effective skills appropriate to a variety of healing professions including mental health, medicine, physical and occupational therapies, bodywork, addiction treatment, first response, education, and others— Excerpt taken from SETI.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders resulting from multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease. Excerpt taken from SETI

An Embodied approach to healing

Excerpt taken from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. 

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is a complete treatment modality to heal trauma and attachment issues. SP welcomes the body as an integral source of information for processing past experiences relating to upsetting or traumatic events and developmental wounds. SP incorporates the physical and sensory experience, as well as thoughts and emotions, as part of the person’s complete experience of both the trauma itself and the process of healing. Excerpt taken from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute.  

An Embodied approach to healing

SP seeks to restore a person’s ability to process information without being triggered by past experience. SP uses a three-phase treatment approach to gently guide the client through the therapeutic process – Safety and Stabilization, Processing, and Integration. The therapist must pay close attention to the client to ensure that they are not overwhelmed by the process while simultaneously engaging their own abilities and capacities for healing.

It is thought that SP strengthens instinctual capacities for survival and assists clients to re-instate or develop resources which were unavailable or missing at the time the trauma or wounding occurred. Once resources are developed and in place, the traumatic event can be processed with the aid of resources. SP is a well-developed approach with decades of success in the treatment of trauma and developmental wounds. — Excerpt taken from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. 

Excerpt taken from ACBS Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive multi-diagnostic, modularized behavioral intervention designed to treat individuals with severe mental disorders and out-of-control cognitive, emotional and behavioral patterns. It has been commonly viewed as a treatment for individuals meeting criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with chronic and high-risk suicidality, substance dependence or other disorders. However, over the years, data has emerged demonstrating that DBT is also effective for a wide range of other disorders and problems, most of which are associated with difficulties regulating emotions and associated cognitive and behavioral patterns. 

radical acceptance and change

As the name implies, dialectical philosophy is a critical underpinning of DBT. Dialectics is a method of logic that identifies the contradictions (antithesis) in a person's position (thesis) and overcomes them by finding the synthesis. Additionally, in DBT a client cannot be understood in isolation from his or her environment and the transactions that occur. Rather, the therapist emphasizes the transaction between the person and their environment both in the development and maintenance of any disorders. It is also assumed that there are multiple causes as opposed to a single factor affecting the client. And, DBT uses a framework that balances the treatment strategies of acceptance and change - the central dialectical tension in DBT. Therapists work to enhance the capability (skills) of their client as well as to develop the motivation to change. Maintaining that balance between acceptance and change with clients is crucial for both keeping a client in treatment and ensuring they are making progress towards their goals of creating a life worth living. — Taken from DBT-Linehan Board of Certification. (click to learn more)

Without a doubt I know I am going to receive the help I need! Vanessa was extraordinary with me and got right to the point with compassion and honesty.


Life Coaching


"Since I have been working with Shannon I feel like I have gained a whole new perspective on life"


Life COaching


She is compassionate, honest, empathetic and down to earth. I have been in and out of therapy my entire life.  Working with Vanessa and Shannon has changed my life for the better in just a short amount of time."

real people say:

"Vanessa listens with a kind, compassionate heart and I can tell her anything..." 

"...without feeling judged. She also has given me practical tools I can use and I really noticed how much I was ignoring the signals my body was sending me. Definitely noticed a shift even after the first session." 

Ann H

Wellness coaching

Yes, It Really Gets Better

"I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical."

"Vanessa came highly recommend by a colleague. In all honesty, I was initially drawn to her because I was curiously skeptical. I stayed because she is crazy, wicked smart and I actually experience the changes. We don't just talk about problems. We resolve them."

Irene K

Couples coaching

"Shannon really gets my son. She has an easy going and fun-loving demeanor." 

"My son looks forward to seeing her and our family has been able to spend time together without everything turning into a circus. I appreciate the way she both dumbs down what she is talking about so I understand it without talking down to me."


Parent of school aged child

(not actually Ann!)

Not Sam
(His son 
is great!)

Not Irene. But she
said this:

More Verified Reviews


Number of combined completed MA degrees


Total years of experience 


Our kids, boys vs girls, respectively


Clinical Psychology PhDs (and two more coming)